Table of Contents

REPAIR Framework

Developed a conceptual and practical framework for using open badges in helping support the UIC Railway SDG program; including developing a common understanding among team members about open badges and their use.

REPAIR Ecosystem

Developed tools to co-construct a map of practices (competencies) in railway sustainability including development and testing of badges and badge administration software in a prototype application created for the Railway SDG Index introduction webinar


Created a set of resources to support testing of open badges by communities of practice to improve SDG Index performance (i.e., mapping) based on the earlier activities.

REPAIR Mapping

Tested the ability of open badges to improve organisational performance on the UIC Railway SDG Index in real communities of practice

REPAIR Analysis

Evaluated the results of the test and made general recommendations for using badges in the railway sector.

Project coordinator

Union Internationale des Chemins de fer – 16, rue Jean Rey – 75015 Paris

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